What is TCExam Mobile Friendly?
TCExam Mobile Friendly (TMF) is a version of TCExam which has a more comfortable user interface on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The user interface is responsive so it can be viewed on any device. TMF does not use Bootstrap or jQuery to build the user interface, only normalize CSS, HTML5 Boilerplate CSS, and vanilla javascript. So that TMF performance can be said to be light to be accessed via a smartphone or other small device.
The original TCExam is less comfortable when viewed on a small device. That's why Maman Sulaeman started this project with the hope that TCExam will be more comfortable to view on smartphones and tablets.
TCExam Mobile Friendly (TMF) not only improves the user interface, but also adds several features that add convenience such as:
1. Unsure Button, which is useful for marking questions, whose answer is still in doubt
2. Font Resizer Utility, which can be used by test takers to increase or decrease the size of the question text.
3. Dark / Light Toggler Button, which can change the display mode to dark or light.
4. Exam participants can upload photos on the textarea to answer long description questions.
5. Adding information about exam administrators such as name of school or name of institution.
6. And much more
TMF Login Form |
TMF Main Button Fuction |
TMF Language Chooser |
TMF Main Menu |
TMF Main Test Form |
TMF Test Info |
TMF Unsure Question |
TMF User Information |
TMF Admin Main Menu |
TMF Admin Question List |
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